Saturday, September 28, 2013

Welcome to the TBI network group on Linkedin

Stephan Kuhn
Providing analysis, consultation, training and support to people effected by brain injury.
Welcome Steve,
I feel that I wasn't nice to people before my injury either. I have only recently started being nice to people and this is 21 years after my injury! I was angry about the "unfairness" of my injury. I was frustrated and depressed that I could not regain all I felt I lost. I was cynical, and contemptuous of others. I was jealous of friends and family as they advanced with their careers and wealth. I did not accept the changes and continuously struggled to "fix" my challenges and deficits rather than adapt. I had tremendous love and support from family and friends after my injury, but I resisted help and advice thinking I could deal with this better on my own. I didn't feel comfortable with anyone I knew after my brain injury so I slipped away from contact with them. I am ashamed that I did not appreciate the love and care that my wife gave to me for over 20 years. I was so wrong and now I just can't believe that it took so long for me to realize my mistakes. I finally have a new sense of self, a new determination to improve the way I treat people. I now appreciate embrace the assistance and advice I receive from others. I don't get angry with people and I forgive easily. I have compassion for others that I never felt even before my injury. I actually think I am becoming a better person than I was pre-injury and I am dedicated to continuing on this path. I wish the best for you and ll others effected by brain injury.
Steve- ,

I posted this to 

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Network

TBI Survivor New To This Group Discussion back in May 2013.

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